Wages Can’t Wait: Service Workers Action & Relief Fund

Workers all over the country are thinking about leaving the service sector. They are no longer willing to tolerate low wages in the face of even worse working conditions under COVID. They are realizing they can elevate their voices, and they’re taking action by demanding a fair wage before they will return to work in the service sector — and we’re supporting them with the Service Workers’ Action & Relief Fund.

In 2020, One Fair Wage launched the OFW COVID-19 Service Workers’ Emergency Relief Fund. The Fund is now evolving to meet service workers’ current emergency: the fact that they are still struggling with rent, bills, and feeding their families even as the restaurant industry reopens, and can no longer afford to remain in the service sector. Hundreds of workers have reported that it costs them more in childcare and transportation to get to work than they earn in subminimum wages and tips when they arrive.

We’re providing relief funds and leadership training to support workers who are fed up, to help them stay in the service sector and keep fighting — to stay and push for reforms in the industry that feeds so many of us.  And for those who do walk off their jobs in protest, we’ll be ensuring they can feed their families at night, and providing training and support so that in the morning they can continue their advocacy.

For more information on this fund, eligibility and requirements, click here.

En 2020, One Fair Wage lanzó el Fondo de Ayuda de Emergencia para Trabajadores del Servicio OFW COVID-19. El Fondo ahora está evolucionando para hacer frente a la emergencia actual de los trabajadores de servicios: el hecho de que todavía están luchando con el alquiler, las facturas y la alimentación de sus familias incluso cuando la industria de restaurantes se reabre, y ya no pueden permitirse permanecer en el sector de servicios. Cientos de trabajadores han informado que les cuesta más en el cuidado de los niños y el transporte llegar al trabajo de lo que ganan en salarios y propinas por debajo del mínimo cuando llegan.

Estamos proporcionando fondos de ayuda y capacitación en liderazgo para apoyar a los trabajadores que están hartos, para ayudarlos a permanecer en el sector de servicios y seguir luchando, para quedarse e impulsar reformas en la industria que nos alimenta a muchos de nosotros. Y para aquellos que abandonan sus trabajos en protesta, nos aseguraremos de que puedan alimentar a sus familias por la noche y les proporcionaremos capacitación y apoyo para que por la mañana puedan continuar su labor de promoción.
Para obtener más información sobre este fondo, elegibilidad y requisitos, haga clic aquí.

The restaurant industry has a hiring crisis because it has a wage crisis. Workers need One Fair Wage — a full, livable, wage with tips on top. This is the only way they can take pride working in the service sector while being able to take care of their families, and employers and consumers can enjoy a full restaurant industry recovery.