We need your help to spread the word and raise money. Join the #YouGotServedChallenge NOW!
Please help us raise money to support tipped workers, gig workers and other service workers who are the nation’s biggest workforce bearing the brunt of this economic crisis — and who are disproportionately women of color with children. Asks for support are coming in at an overwhelming rate. Help us raise more money to give more money!
Here’s what we want you to do:
(1) Post a picture of yourself holding a piece of paper that has your first job in the restaurant/service industry and the year you started that job, plus the address for the One Fair Wage Emergency Fund. So, for instance, your paper might read: “Waitress, 1991. OFWemergencyfund.org” Or this:
(2) In the text of your post, talk about what that job was like — and how it was hard under-paid work then, and is hard under-paid work now — and that’s why we need to support restaurant and service workers in this crisis. Encourage your followers to donate to the One Fair Wage Emergency Fund and spread the word so workers who need emergency cash assistance can apply for help.
(3) Use the #YouGotServedChallenge hashtag and tag FIVE FRIENDS and challenge them to do it next.
(4) Please also include the OFWemergencyfund.org link in your bio or story.
(5) Tag @1fairwage_official on Instagram (or @OneFairWage on Twitter and @OneFairWage on Facebook)
That’s it. And even if you don’t participate, please share the donation link and repost other people who do the challenge.
Suggested language for sharing on social media:
In [YEAR] I worked as a [JOB]. It was hard under-paid work then and is *still* hard under-paid work now, and that’s why we need to support restaurant and service workers who are losing their jobs in this crisis. The One Fair Wage Emergency Fund is providing urgent cash assistance to workers in need. Please donate what you can. And please spread the word so workers in need can apply. Tagging my friends [INSERT TAGS] to do this #YouGotServedChallenge next. https://ofwemergencyfund.org/
Tags for social:
#YouGotServedChallenge and #1FairWage
@1fairwage_official on Instagram
@OneFairWage on Twitter
@OneFairWage on Facebook
For more information about the One Fair Wage Emergency Fund, frequently asked questions and other talking points, check out our FAQs.
For more information on One Fair Wage